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FCO 82/420
Foreign Office
The Watergate Conspiracy: causes and effects (1974)
Chronology of Watergate and a Cast of Characters. Report on the Causes and consequences of Watergate by Sir Peter Ramsbotham which includes: Part 1 Causes, What was Watergate about, Why did Watergate occur, Why the plumbers? Part II The implications and effects of Watergate. The Constitutional effects. The Power of the Presidency after Watergate. The Power of Congress after Watergate. The effects of Watergate on the Republican Party. Money and Morality in American politics after Watergate. The Press - the Fourth Estate. Part II Conclusion.
The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
North America
United States
Cambodia; China; Europe; Mexico; Middle East; Soviet Union; United States of America; Vietnam
Agnew, Spiro; Brennan, Peter J; Brezhnev, Leonid; Burger, Warren Earl; Bush, George H W; Byrne, W Matthew; Callaghan, James; Daley, Richard; Dean, John W III; Ehrlichman, John D; Ellsberg, Daniel; Ford, Gerald; Gray, L Patrick III; Haig, Alexander; Haldeman, H R; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kleindienst, Richard G; Lodge, Henry Cabot jnr; Magruder, Jeb Stuart; McGovern, George; Mitchell, John; Nixon, Richard M; Ramsbotham, Sir Peter; Richardson, Elliot; Scott, Hugh; Stans, Maurice; Ziegler, Ronald
Aid; British Embassy; CIA (Central Intelligence Agency); Civil rights; Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP); Communist; Congress; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of State; Detente; Dirty tricks; Draft; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation); foreign policy; Great Powers; Health; Impeachment; Inflation; Isolationism; Japanese; Kidnapping; Law and Order; Legal counsel to the President; Mid-Term elections; North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Office of Management and Budget; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Pentagon Papers; Plumbers; Price controls; Recession; Republican Party; Saturday night massacre; State Department; State of the Union Message; Supreme Court; Taxation; Taxes; The Nine; Trade; Trade Reform Bill; Treasury; Unemployment; United Nations National Security Council; Vice President; Vietnam War; Watergate; White House; wire-tapping
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